Friday, November 28, 2008
Bought a suitable pair of high heel shoes that matches my gown, decided on the hairdo, bought nice prom clips, selected a gown, and polished my violin. Am I ready for tomorrow's concert? NO. No because I still need to practise the orchestra pieces. No because I do not wish to practise the orchestra pieces, but Chopin's Fantasie Impromptu instead, as I need to play that for Sunday's Masterclass at YMS. And I'm not ready for the Masterclass EITHER. Fantasie Impromptu is strangling me, as I do not have the stamina and speed for that tough diploma piece yet. HELP!!!!!!!!!!! Alright, I guess I'll go and polish my violin one more time first.
Anyway, here are my plans for tomorrow.
- 10-10.30 - Practise my orchestra pieces.
- 10.30-12 - Make up, hairdo, preparations.
- 12-12.45 - Practise for strings quartet Eine Kleine.
- 12.45 - Go to Kovan MRT Station and take train with Terence (For me, NEVER BE LATE! I do not wish to make him wait for another forty five min due to my late coming, like what happened last year. SO NO LATE COMING THIS TIME!).
- 2-5 -Rehearsal.
- 5.15-6.45 - Dinner with frens.
- 7.30 - CONCERT
- And after the concert, supper! Followed by sending some of my frens home through cab.
Things to bring for tomorrow's concert.
- Orchestra and strings quartet scores.
- Make up kit.
- Rubber band.
- Contact lenses (though I dun intend to wear it, but juz in case).
- Safety pins (juz in case my gown... Okay, u shd noe what I mean).
- Camera.
- Cash.
- Tissue and plaster. (I do not wish to die of pain because of my heels).
Alright, i guess that's all. I hope tomorrow's concert goes well! (=
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
9:58 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
This may be the last time I'm saying this word. Those words of yours are damn fucking insulting. Me keeping quiet whenever u voice out any thing, which all the things you've said are full of thorns, doesn't mean I could stand your words. N I'm a very sensitive person. So pls stop suaning ppl lyk as if it is something so fun to do. You are much older than me, so PLS BE MORE MATURED.
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
11:40 PM
Loved today's bible meeting and the short time spent with Suelyn, Suresh & baby Jazz before the meeting. Some of the subjects discussed at the meeting today was on Marriage, one's relationship with God and some of the scriptures included in Hebrews. Had a lovely dinner before rushing to Whampoa for the orchestra rehearsal.
Today's rehearsal was more of a shock to me. When I walked towards my seat, Terence told me there was a change of seating arrangement. My violin desk partner is now no longer Terence, but a girl by the name of Rachael. Mr Foo pointed to me the place where I am supposed to seat, which I spotted a guy sitting there alone. Next I did the most embarrassing and halarious thing someone would ever do. I walked towards the guy and asked, " excuse me, are you Rachael?" The guy just looked at me, obviously quite at a loss for words. Rachael is supposed to be a girl's name. Great, I had just asked a he if he is a she. When the seatings were settled, Ms Hawa told me I have to play the top melody now instead of the bottom one which I used to play, as now I'm seating at the right desk of the first violins seat. This is bad. When I was seating with Terence, I could remain blur as I always do and his playing, which seldom made any mistakes, could cover up my mistakes whenever I was dreaming. Now, no more Terence to cover up my mistakes. I had to stay alert, and probably help Rachael to cover up her mistakes, if she happen to make any. That means, sayonora to day dreaming when playing in the orchestra.
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
11:04 PM
Friday, November 21, 2008
Here are some of the photos taken at the 4I chalet. Slightly behind time to upload these though.
Joyce, me, Angie, Ms Low, Ken & hj

Mdm Yeo's kids. Don't they look alike?
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
7:10 PM
The 4I guys BBQing the food.

April & I. My face is sunburned!

This is the consequence of teachers torturing their students.

Just kidding! They are great teachers! Ken dun give that face! (=
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
6:55 PM
Alright, I seriously need to improve on my POOR SENSE of DIRECTION! From now on, blur queen GY has to stop getting lost all the time whenever she steps out of her house. The incident of me getting lost after the visit to Mr Chong's house at Woodlands was embarrassing enough. I had to leave earlier than my frens that day as I had piano lesson. Thus I had to go home myself. My frens predicted that I would, 120%, get lost when I travel alone. FINE, I'm gonna prove that I will not get lost this time.
Five min later..................................... Yes, they were indeed right. I was lost, AGAIN. I had to call my frens, whom they then called Mr Chong, for help. After fifteen min of struggle, finally made my way to the bus stop. But my poor direction sense had yet to let me off. On the bus, I alighted at the wrong stop. My destination was Woodlands Bus Interchange. When I got off, I saw myself facing the MRT station written 'Marsling'. No Woodlands was seen. NO! Immediately, I 'flew' back onto the bus. The passengers all looked at me - stunned. They must be thinking why did I got off the bus and ran back onto the bus again! ARGH how embarrassing! Can't blame me.. Woodlands MRT station and Marsling MRT station look the same to me. Same line, same colour, same shelter, with a few shops beside it. Aren't they the same? And for the road, don't ever mention that, I dun recognise any roads. Only their names appear to be different, 'Woodlands' and 'Marsling'. Alright... who ask me to be such a BIG BIG 大路痴...............
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
6:18 PM
My fingers and neck are breaking... After three continuous hours of violin practice and another hour of violin lesson. Ouch my hands... They can't even type properly now... It's really a great pity that I have such short fingers when I learn the violin and piano. Because that means I cannot big chords like music by Rachmoninov, and it really hurts when i try to stretch to the notes while playing chords on the violin. Just like what happened today when i struggled to reach the notes for the chords on the violin while playing an etude from Kayser. I was rather dissatisfied with my playing during violin lesson today, as I personally feel it's not up to standard yet. Nonetheless, Ms Hawa gave me a pink sticker as an encouragement for me hardwork. Hahs, so sweet of Ms Hawa. I really enjoy having her as my violin teacher. (=
Just found a job as a piano teacher, with a pay of twenty five dollars per hour, teaching two Grade one children. I thought of buying Junior Hanon for the students to firm up their piano techniques, but Mr foo said I'm being over demanding to do that to a five year old student. Honestly speaking, I've taught my friends who are Grade 5, 6 or 8, and a few beginners. However, I've never taught anyone who is as young as five year old. Well... Okies.. I shall not be too strict to the student, like being too strict to myself. I'll be a nice nice teacher... n teach twinkle twinkle little star (= (= (= .................................... n give sweets to them as encouragement (= (= ........................................................................................................................................
However, Jocelyn told me a pay of twenty five dollars per hour is not worth it for a piano teacher, especially when I have to go to the students' house to teach, and for the first month, half of my salary earned will go to the agent. Well.. I'm rather confused now too... Is that really not worth it? Advice pls (=
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
5:40 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Look at the two hardworking young ladies' hands! (=

BLEH! I'm the leader of spoooky cheeeky club!

Me, shina, hq, jh & ky

Me, jh, kai & shina

Ken trying to be funny

In revenge!
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
1:06 AM
hq & I

Kai & I

I really love the sunset!
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
12:42 AM
The sandcastles!

Dragging Angsian into the sea!

The three bdae gals cutting their cake!

wingyi, me, kaiying & Lenglee

On the cab to east coast.
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
12:28 AM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The great shopping dat with Angsian, Lenglee, Nicole, Grandma Adeline, Ber & my nu er Jie Ying at Bugis. That pic was taken after our steamboat at Marina Bay. YUMMY YUMMY. Pic edited by Lenglee. (=
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
9:52 PM
I'm very, extremely, IMMENSELY disappointed in HIM. Perhaps I shouldn't have thought so highly of him in the first place.
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
7:38 PM
Monday, November 17, 2008
I'll upload all the outing photos onto the blog when I get better. Sri for the inconvenience caused for those who are waiting for the photos. (=
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
11:57 PM
Just returned from the 4I class chalet organised by Yu Jeen & Pajiao Club. It was really amazing. It seemed like the ever first time our class ppl get together to play so hard, and really enjoyed ourselves.
The day started with us playing water bombs and captain's ball. Our class guys did impress us with their excellent captain's ball skills. It was a great contrast from their usual 'nerdy' studious style in class. Hahs. OOPS. During the BBQ preparation, I received a call from Dad. He was utterly displeased with the edvox counter's Sunday service while paying for my music school fees. In fact, his displeasure caused him to want me to stop leaning music from edvox. I was immensely dumbfounded. Not knowing what to do, I broke down to despair. I couldn't understand why he failed to see how important music is to me. Stopping me from learning it seems like shooting an arrow through my heart to me. Fortunately for me, I had my great nuer JY to console me. I felt much better afterwards. Thx a whole lot, my dear nuer jy! (= I was glad to say that I was successfuul in my reconcilation with my Dad, or perhaps his reconcilation with me (as he sort of gave in to me) afterwards, and we managed to discuss the matter through. He allowed me to continue my pursue in music, & even cheered me up. Alright thx Dad! I really appreciated that. (=
The BBQ was fun, with our teachers Mdm Yeo, Ms Low and Ms Oh joining us. Hahs I managed to BBQ the chicken wings for Mdm Yeo and Ms Low. Yeay, not bad not bad, I'm pleased with my cooking skills for the very first time (I can't even fry an egg at home T_T). Mdm Yeo brought her family along. We played with her three adorable kids, namely Victoria, Arther and Dora (not sure if their names are spelt correctly).
When midnight came, the guys decided to watch a ghost show, The Ring, in pitch darkness with lights off. ARGH! Alright, but some of the gals, including me, joined in the show. During the show, that CH kept strolling back and forth behind us. Heys! Doing that quietly was even more scary than the show does he noe that? >.< lol. When we were all tired and sleepy, we crawled onto the mattress to sleep. Not all of us were lucky enough to get the bed. The guys did something that really impressed me, for the very first time. (= They let us have the mattress, and they slept on the floor. Some of them didn't even get to sleep! Wow! That was the very first time they gave in to the 4I gals! Touching indeed. (=
Though the next day was enjoyable and we had a rush of adrenaline at Escape Theme Park, it was not so for me. Not because I didn't get to enjoy it (I did enjoy myself) but because of my poor health condition then. First up, I had a torturing stomach ache in the morning. The pain was so unendurable that I couldn't even walk properly. I tried to shrug off the pain and joined in with my friends for the rides though. Then, things took a turn for the worst, the rides made me all giddy and wobbly and I tried my very very best not to vomit out in front of my friends. Who would want their own friends to see such an obscene? It was my first encounter of feeling so giddy after the rides, as I would normally be fine after any rides, no matter how thrilling the ride could be. Next, though I was famished, I couldn't swallow any food due to my giddiness, even though the food tasted out of the world. Then I realised that I was getting a fever, and had to go home first. I felt so terrible to have caused so much inconvenience for my friends when they sent me back to the chalet and helped me to get a cab. Nevertheless that really helped me a lot. I really had to thank them! (= At the same time, I did wonder, why do I have such a poor health, especially such a poor stomach? Or perhaps I should count myself lucky that I didn't get an asthma attack these two days, as I had forgotten to bring my inhaler, AGAIN!
Nevertheless, I must say, the chalet was indeed enjoyable! Thx yj and pj club for organising such an enjoyable event! (=
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
11:01 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Argh i juz realised how many typo errors i made for the second post. >.< paiseh ah
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
12:36 AM
Wow doing blogging is indeed troublesome!!! Spent a few hours on the tagboard thinggy. Thx Lenglee's help again! Hahs I hope I'll have Lenglee to do the whole blog for me. Hahs (=
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
12:27 AM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wow today is such a long day! I woke up to the sound of alram clock (ken's call. She was my alarm clock for the day (= ) at 8, only to find myself suffering a terible muscle ache! Argh! & Ken and I are supposed to meet hj & eq at East Coast at 9.40 for cycling. Wow i guess I have to craw there! It was aggrevated by my terrible stomach ache, which cause me not being able to get out of the house, but being stuck in the bathroom T_T. Alright, so the both of us struggled our way there, almost getting lost because I, with such 'marvelous' sense of direction, was the one leading the way! So Ken's life is on my hands. Muahahahaha.
The cycling was so fun, we cycled all the way from East Coast to Changi Airport, & we got to see airplane taking off. The sceen was captivating indeed. (= Nonetheless, the returning journey was tramautizing, because we needed to cycle all the way back in half an hour's time! I nearly fainted due to asthma attack. We had fun the way back though, despite Ken n eq having a slight argument, and I was 'drawn into the conflict', as the mediator. Well, I really hope they are fine by now. It's the last year & I hope all of us would treasure each other's friendship more. Alright I believe they'll get well, my group of frens are all great ppl! (= Three cheers for our group of frens! (=
Had rehearsal for strings qquartet in Edvox at night. We played Mozart's Eine Kleine, a song for Talento VI concert. Though there were a few mistakes here and there, it was indeed enjoyable!
Alright i shall end off by saying that this is my very first time blogging, so still have a lot of things to improve on. Sri if the blog is not attractive enough. Anyway, I really need to Thank Leng Lee, for helping me with this blog. Without her, a complete greenhorn lyk me wld definitely be at a lost. Thx a whole lot yup, Celeste! (=
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
9:55 PM
Friday, November 14, 2008
It's a blessing to have such a great pool of frens by my side! (=
4th mvmt; The Grand Finale
11:59 PM